
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year Everyone!

Hi everyone! My name is Kim Sturn and I work in the Surrey School District. I can’t believe it but I am approaching 20 years worth of teaching already! I have experience working in the primary grades and a few years experience as resource room teacher. I have no experience working in a school library but I think it would be the perfect job to have! I started my library diploma last May and am now on course number 7. It’s been a whirlwind pace and combined with working full time and having a busy family I will admit the adrenaline is starting to run a little low!

My strengths related to the school library are that I feel I am a very welcoming person and think I could encourage many students to fall in love with literature. Really, I love reading and sharing great literature with others. I love the way literature has the power to immerse you into another world and help you to grow. I enjoy seeing the joy that literature and learning can bring students. I am very excited about the new aspects of technology that are increasingly becoming a part of the library and can’t wait to explore this with students of all ages.

Technical services are carried out in my school library by the TL. She takes care of everything in the library with the aid of a few parent and student volunteers. There is no longer any clerical staff in our district. We have a central system call the LRS (Learning Resource Services) which will catalogue and process new resources. The TL can also catalogue and process new resources herself if desired. The name of the library automation system that our district uses is Destiny. Our district has a half time Helping Teacher Librarian who is available to help all of the Librarians in the district. Her role is to aid the TL’s in the district, organize meetings and Pro D events, liaison between admin and TL’s if necessary, among numerous other things.

Because I have never taught in the library my expectations from this course are that I hope to learn everything about the practical day to day life things that are necessary in the organization a library. I have enjoyed all of the courses I have taken so far and I am looking forward to sharing another learning journey with everyone in this course!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim,

    I too am looking forward to our learning journey together... I hope you find that putting your thoughts in this blog with make your Assignment #1 work much easier!

    I will be reading along with you but may not have time to comment each time - I tend to do a lot of lurking :-)

    Have fun!

